This was drawn on a paper bag, and I thought it looked neat after I messed with brightness. This is from the pre-orientation at college. - 53 KB
'Tis Lemur-Cat. She comprises most of the "Pokemon: furry" section also, because she's usually wearing a TR uniform. Pencil. - 20 KB
Now that I look at it, this picture is not so good. But there's something I like about it. It's an anime-looking cat. Pencil. - 18 KB
| Leo the Lion says Ger.
Chemistry mnemonic illustrated, TLK-influenced. (LEO = Lose Electrons Oxidation, GER = Gain Electrons Reduction.) - 66 KB
| Slimy Rat.
Lined paper again, a James Joyce-inspired rat. There may also be some Ratta/Raticate influence here. Best thing that ever came out of senior-year high school English class. - 58 KB
| Graduating LC variant.
Well, her ears are awfully furry, and she has more hair than usual, and the eye-patches... I was going to color this in grayscale. - 44 KB
| "O-tanjoubi omedetou" cat.
An orange cat with a birthday gift, which I drew rather hastily for a friend's birthday. (Holiday pics always turn out hasty.) - 28 KB
| LC looking depressed. I think this was done toward the end of high school. Pencil. - 14 KB
It is a cat. He has a golf club. His right sleeve was a last minute emergency sleeve-evening measure for the sake of symmetry. PSP - 37 KB
This is the dog I drew for Nathan's birthday. Remember that? The plate is messed up because they are such regular objects. Pen. - 8 KB
| This is a wolf. - 24 KB